Jan. 7, 2021 Assembly and Prayer Service

This morning, Mercy High joined together for a virtual school wide assembly. Ms. DeJonge, President, led an opening statement that included:

“During times like these, it is important for our Mercy community to come together so that we can connect, feel, think, and pray. We pray that our school community can be an example of what it means to have conversations filled with respect; see dignity in every person; protest peacefully; value different perspectives; and when we disagree, work together. We also hold in our hearts, the safety and security of everyone in our country.”

Ms. Ann Drewry, Dean of Students, recited a beautiful prayer written by Campus Minister Ms. Ann Derbacher:

Mary, Mother of Mercy, this morning we gather our Mercy community in prayer to ask that you bring peace and solidarity to our troubled country.  We ask that during these times of unrest you intercede for us to your Son for the gift of peace in our nation. Mary, we ask that you to help us seek the face of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. 

May we have peace amid the noise and chaos.  Peace amid the silence and absence of silence.  Peace with the choices that people make, and the paths taken, and ones not taken.  May peace come to all people at this difficult time.  May peace come to each of us as we pray for each other. 

Mary, Mother of Mercy, please ask your Son to heal our land and bring peace to our country that is in turmoil and unrest. We desire the gift of peace.  Amen.


Mrs. Melissa Bullock, Dean of Academics and Technology, led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The Mercy Classic is back! 

Join us on Monday, Sept. 30, at Wallingford Country Club for the return of another important Mercy tradition! 

After a move to one of the premier private clubs in Connecticut, we’re ready to go for our annual golf tournament. We hope to see you this fall at our exclusive event!